Cuz you always need a picture of Oscar |
...the crowd goes wild or Wilde (whatever your tastes)! I did my 3rd day of yoga last night just before I went to bed. The you tube video of Yoga for Sleeping Better was my choice for the evening, which ended with a nice little relaxation time that sent me into the arms of Morpheus. 35 minutes total were logged into my soon to be yoga body. Unfortunately my preteen yoga body is feeling its growing pains lately. Both legs are sore and that crease where your leg meets your hip. For crying out Pete! you'd think I was doing the splits or something. But hopefully my limbs will jump back into shape after a week of yogaing.
Today, I have my WONDERFUL yoga class. I love it! except the whole having to stare at myself in the mirror part. I really DO NOT think I look that way in my head. I have grown substantially wider, which I blame on the fact that I am a short 5'3. I guess I should be thankful that I am not 5'1 or else I wouldn't fit through doors. Seriously though, it is odd how my brain thinks I am one way while the mirror (and pictures) tell me something completely different. It makes me wonder what reality I should believe. Hmmmm....
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